Here you can find us!
Ritterstraße 57
D-50670 Köln
Call us!
Mobil: 0173 / 5204383
Write to us!
We are here for you!
from 12pm
Saturday & Sunday closed
Contact - Use our reservation form for a comfortable and fast table reservation at Em Altertümche. The reservation is valid only after it has been confirmed by us!

Reservation (phone / e-mail)
If the contact form does not work, then book directly via email to: or by phone at: Tel. 0221 - 131 43 4 In doing so, please note that we must first confirm your reservation. Without confirmation the reservation is not valid.
Sie suchen eine besondere Location für Ihr Geburtstagsfeier, Betriebsfeier, Familienfest, Jubiläum, Weihnachtsfeier oder sonstige Veranstaltungen? Em Altertümche können Sie mieten. Sprechen Sie uns dazu gerne direkt an. Am besten telefonisch, damit wir direkt alles wichtige klären können. Ansonsten schreiben Sie uns eine ausführliche E-Mail zu Ihrem Event.
Lost & Found
If you have lost or forgotten something, you are welcome to contact us on the next opening day from 12:00 noon in the Em Altertümche We will do our best to help you with your search. Unfortunately we cannot give you any information about lost items from the office.